Stone Dimensions Australia offers a range of polished marble slabs and marble tiles quarried, cut and finished to any specification.
Create your dream home with Stone Dimensions Australia’s range of premium Natural Stone and Marble. We cut every Natural Stone slab from our finest quarries in the Pilbara WA! Whether you are after white marble, red marble or green marble, Stone Dimensions Australia has your next natural masterpiece.
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Stone Dimensions Australia Pty Ltd is a family owned and operated company established in 2004 and specialising in the quarrying of exceptional dolomitic marble in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
The stunning and mineral-rich Pilbara in Australia’s remote northwest is thought to be nearly 3 billion years old – here the forces of nature, heat and pressure have taken 2 billion years to create the most unique and striking natural stone on earth. The Pilbara dolomitic marbles are exceptional as they have the combined properties of granite with the enhanced beauty of marble, enabling them to be used in a greater variety of applications as they are 3 times harder and less porous that the Italian Carrara marbles.
Stone Dimensions Australia was the first to bring the world Austral Dream (Dolce Vita), Austral Pearl (Bianca Dolce Vita) and Pilbara Red (Rosso Venezia) all highly regarded and unique marbles, renowned globally in the natural stone industry.
Stone Dimensions Australia offers a range of materials and products to the market. From raw marble blocks direct from the quarry to polished slabs and marble tiles quarried, cut and finished to any specification. We are passionate about Australian natural stone and are continually exploring and testing new areas and leases throughout Australia to share with the world some of nature’s best artwork.
The Mission of Stone Dimensions Australia is to focus only on those stones which are absolutely unique and to become the predominate supplier of Nature’s Rare Australian marble and stone products. By ethically discovering and quarrying materials throughout Australia we aim to bring to the market an outstanding and desirable range of quality products whilst minimising our impact on the environment.